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Nursing 122 Exam 1 | Questions and answers // Exam 1 - NURS 122

Nursing 122 Exam 1 | Questions and answers // Exam 1 - NURS 122

Nursing 122 Exam 1 | Questions and answers // Exam 1 - NURS 122

Name three defenses against infection. - CORRECT ANSW-1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Tertiary

Primary infections - CORRECT ANSW-Initial infections caused by one pathogen only

Secondary infections - CORRECT ANSW-Caused by a second, different pathogen

Name three primary defenses. - CORRECT ANSW-1) Skin 2) Mucous membranes 3) GI system

Name three secondary defenses. - CORRECT ANSW1) Inflammatory process 2) Elevated temperature 3) Complement cascade

List four components of standard precaution - CORRECT ANSW-1) Hand hygiene 2) PPE (when necessary) 3) Needle/sharps precautions 4) Cough etiquette

Three transmission-based precautions used in addition to standard precautions are: - CORRECT ANSW-1) Contact 2) Droplet 3) Airborne

Contact precautions - CORRECT ANSW--Use gloves and gown with standard precautions -Use in presence of bodily fluids -Use when patient has MRSA, VRE, C. diff., etc.

Droplet precautions - CORRECT ANSW--Use a mask plus standard precautions -Use when patient has influenza, strep, bacterial meningitis, rubella, and pneumonia, etc.

Airborne precautions - CORRECT ANSW--Use fittested N95 respirator plus standard precautions -Use when patient has tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox, and severe acute respiratory syndrome, etc.

When should you use hand hygiene? - CORRECT ANSW--After touching bodily fluids -After removing gloves -Entering patient's rooms -Before touching patients or tubing hooked up to patients
-Between caring for patients in the same room -Getting to/from work -Before/after breaks -After using the restroom -When they are visibly soiled

Medical asepsis - CORRECT ANSW-Practices designed to reduce the number and transfer of pathogens; synonym for clean technique

The six links in the chain of infection are: - CORRECT ANSW-Infectious agent > Reservoir > Portal of exit > Mode of transmission > Portal of entry > Susceptible host

Infectious agent - CORRECT ANSW-First link in chain of infection; causative organism

Reservoir - CORRECT ANSW-Second link in chain of infection; place the organism grows

Portal of exit - CORRECT ANSW-Third link in chain of infection; method by which the organism leaves the reservoir

Mode of transmission - CORRECT ANSW-Fourth link in chain of infection; vehicle by which the organism is transferred

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